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"For Men at Tamms" by Monica

for all you Men in tamms

tho i am locked up too

i cannot claim to understand

the pain of utter isolation


dehumanizing humiliation

(except in my memory of rapes beatings molestations…)

but i would have you know

you have my love my admiration my respect

of your strength

You… You men whom i have never seen

who could have been or could yet be

(with whom i stand in solidarity)

my husband my brother  my lover my father my friend

You are my inspiration

to keep strong hold to my faith

that crooked places/people will be made straight

know too that i am Loving you one and all

keeping you in my spirit my heart my mind

believing/knowing Justice

then Peace

We all will find

monica d cosby   dwight cc   1999/2000



  • Access to Justice
  • Susan Crown
  • Alvin H Baum Family Fund
  • kirkland & Ellis
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